Today’s youth is also fighting kids health and other issues that were not common decades ago, such as high obesity rates, anxiety, isolation, drug and alcohol abuse, violence, etc. The statistics are frightening; one in three children and teenagers are obese, a problem that leads to “high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood cholesterol levels... low self-esteem, negative body image and depression,” according to the American Heart Association. One in eight children are anxious; in fact, NBC News reported that teenagers are more stressed out than adults, with reported stress levels being 5.8 on a scale of 1-10, while adults reported a score of 5.1.”
“Twenty-one percent of high school seniors say they get high, and 41 percent of the same group report drinking alcohol.” Many of these problems cause children to become angry and violent; according to the School Associated Violent Death Study, between 14 and 34 school-age children are victims of homicide on school grounds on their way to and from school—each and every year,” cites the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Many parents want to raise carefree and healthy kids, but simply don’t know how. Below, we will provide tips to improve kids health, both mental and physical. |